Norway’s Equinor Shows Big Oil Can Survive Putting A Price On Carbon

Graphic for News Item: Norway’s Equinor Shows Big Oil Can Survive Putting A Price On Carbon

“The pendulum moves back and forth, but the overall trend of pricing carbon is a relatively heavy one. It would be a mistake to assume it’s not going to happen,” says Chief Economist Eirik Waerness.

Norway, thanks to decades of oil and gas drilling in its coastal waters, has the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, with more than $1 trillion in invested assets. That’s equivalent to roughly $200,000 for each of the 5.2 million Norwegians.

Rare among those struck with the “resource curse,” Norwegians feel kind of sheepish about owing their birthright to fossil fuels. Among the world’s most zealous environmentalist states, Norway has pledged to become “climate neutral” by 2030, and has imposed all manner of emissions trading and carbon taxes to get there.

Naturally, some think Oslo ought to get out of the oil business altogether, shut down 70%-state-owned oil giant Equinor, and leave the oil and gas in the ground. More reasonable is a push for the company to develop the resources it has, but stop looking for new ones. Yet with the company on track to generate $5 billion in net income on record production volumes this year, that wouldn’t be in the best interest of Norway, or the oil industry’s. “If we don’t do it, somebody else will do it elsewhere,” and with less commitment to excellence and environmental responsibility, says Eirik Waerness, chief economist at Equinor (the new, more politically correct name for the company formerly known as Statoil).

Waerness is also head of downstream planning and macro analysis for Equinor (NYSE: EQNR), so when we met this week I figured he’d be a good guy to ask for some insights on how the rest of Big Oil can help the transition to a low-carbon future. The previous day Yale University carbon economist Bill Nordhaus had accepted the Nobel Prize, while a new report from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change urged emergency cuts to carbon dioxide emissions by at least 75% by 2050 in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees centigrade.

“Industry needs help in setting framework conditions,” says Waerness, whether it be emissions quotas, a cap-and-trade system, or big incentives for green energy. Equinor knows this first-hand. “The advantage is that we’ve been exposed to framework conditions that have put a price on carbon since 1991,” when Norwegians acceded to the development of offshore oil on their continental shelf but only on the condition of no flaring (intentional combustion) of the associated natural gas.

“The pendulum moves back and forth, but the overall trend of pricing carbon is a relatively heavy one. It would be a mistake to assume it’s not going to happen,” Waerness says. That admonition includes the United States, where the average American’s deep-seated mistrust of politicians and academics selling solutions in search of a problem makes the potential imposition of some kind of nationwide tax on carbon very unpopular. “Where you have few traditions in accepting the solving of collective problems by way of government is where the challenge is the biggest.”

“We had a complete ban on flaring gas from the very start. We didn’t know what to do with it; there was no natural market and we were far from the coast. So we injected it to keep the pressure up” in the reservoirs. Flaring the gas would have been cheaper, but Norway decided that wasn’t an option. “Regulations have been conducive to solutions,” says Waerness. Forced to deal with its gas, Statoil soon built one of the world’s biggest natural gas pipeline networks, and got in the habit early of incorporating a cost of carbon (now $50 per ton or more) into its accounting practices. Last year Equinor figures it reduced the “CO2 intensity” of its operations by 10% to 9 kg of CO2 per barrel of oil recovered.

Big innovations can happen when CEO bonuses are tied to emissions reductions. For a decade Statoil/Equinor has been perfecting methods of injecting carbon dioxide deep into the earth for permanent sequestration. It’s now investing in solar farms in Brazil, and is putting to work its offshore engineering know-how with the world’s first full-scale floating wind turbines at a project in the North Sea called Hywind. The size of the Eiffel Tower and producing 6 megawatts each, the turbines stand on buoyant bases that are inspired by decades of work building spar-type floating offshore oil platforms.

A hundred of these massive turbines installed offshore could offset the power generation capacity of a typical gas-fired power plant — a drop in the ocean of our clean energy needs, concedes Waerness, but vital nonetheless. “So much depends upon collective solutions to an enormous collective problem. What each one of us does, does not matter. But it matters anyway.”

In responding to global warming concerns, Equinor may have been early among big oil companies, but it’s not alone, with Shell, BP and Total all competing for the approval of European regulators and investors. Even ExxonMobil announced this week that it would direct $1 million toward research into how a carbon tax could work for America (a fraction of its legal fees in fighting off the #ExxonKnew attacks). More significantly, Exxon is investing $1 billion a year to develop revolutionary ideas that could someday scale into meaningful businesses — like fuel cells that generate electricity while sequestering carbon and engineering algae to make biofuel.

Norway, which has seen its carbon emissions drop just 3% since 1990 (U.S. emissions are roughly flat vs 1990), is indeed becoming a tougher place to be an oil company. Exxon and Chevron have recently sold all their North Sea assets; BP merged its holdings with a smaller Norwegian company, while Shell and Total have also scaled back there. Even Equinor is having a hard time getting approval to drill in a pristine fishing area that they suspect hides a vast new oilfield. “We want the opportunity to at least analyze the consequences,” says Waerness. “We won’t do it if we can’t do it safely.”


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